Lens Calibration
Do you ever get the feeling that your camera just isn’t focusing properly? Well that might the case of a lens and camera that are not in sync with each other.
The process of calibrating lenses requires us to also have your camera. So keep that in mind!
When you drop off your camera and lens, we will fine tune each lens to a single camera body. Please not that if you have multiple camera bodies, one camera body may not be as in focus as the one calibrated with the lens. We can check more than one camera body to other lenses but we will only calibrate to a single camera body.
If we are unable to properly calibrate your lens to a camera body, it may be due to a defect with your lens which will require a manufacturers’ attention. If this turns out to be the case, we will refund your calibration.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Will It Take?
Unlike sensor cleanings, calibrations take much longer and require adequate time to set up each lens to ensure the proper focusing points are achieved. We ask that you drop off your equipment and we will schedule a pick up day with you. Typically our calibrations take 3-4 days to be completed. Expedited calibrations are available for an additional $35, call to schedule expedited calibrations.
Do you calibrate just the lens?
The calibration process is a micro- adjustment between the camera and the lens. Physical lens calibration is performed only by the manufacturer and is not recommended to be done by anyone other than the manufacturer. In that process they use various shim sizes to correct lenses that are beyond micro-adjustments. (beyond +-20). Although that is rare to come across, if we do determine that is an issue, we will advise you to send your lens to the MFG to correction.
Why Calibrate?
With the increase in megapixels, it brings to light a lot of problems the focus being spot on. With the ability to crop in much tighter on images, you start to notice that you thought was in focus is actually a little out of focus. Talk about frustrating!
Lens Calibration – $100 for the initial, $25 per additional.
If you are ready to have your lens calibrated to your camera, be sure to drop off your camera, lens, battery and charger and we will perform the calibration.